Pro V1x Cover Discolouration and Premature Wear Can We Fix?

Follow Thread

By David F

  • 2 Replies
  1. David F

    David F
    Fremantle, 0

    The ProV1x is an outstanding golf ball ... with one small problem ... the cover and colour deteriorates a little too quickly, making me the subject of some friendly sledging about the age of my balls ... leaving that aside ... it is a problem that I have experienced even with the latest batch.  Can we solve it Titleist

  2. Team Titleist Staff

    Hi David- and thanks for your Q,

    Can you give us a few more details about the discoloration- some pics would be handy.

    I'll pass it on to our team in the US for comment.




  3. I have found this too with the pro v1x. A fellow competitor whom i play a bit with uses the srixon x star and they are a lot brighter and easy to see.

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